What is Revolution Mobile?
Revolution Mobile is an app that brings the power of Syn-Apps’ Revolution emergency alert and mass notification software directly to mobile devices, giving you the flexibility to reach your users wherever they may be located! In this article we’ll cover Revolution Mobile’s functionality and the value it can bring to your organization.Revolution Mobile for Recipient Contacts
Revolution Mobile is available for Android and iOS devices, as well as Google Chromebooks. When a Revolution alert is activated, mobile contact recipients* are sent a push notification directly to their Revolution Mobile app. Mobile alerts can include text messages, audio recordings and images to help show and tell recipients about the situation at hand.This is an ideal mass notification solution because it allows businesses to rapidly alert and inform their people wherever they may be located. Empowering people with timely information can help save lives in the event of a real emergency, such as a campus lockdown or incoming severe weather. In addition to receiving alerts, users can also request for help using the Request Assistance buttons.

About Geofencing
Geofencing is a geographic area that uses GPS coordinates to draw a virtual boundary. Revolution includes a geofence feature that allows users to send notifications to mobile recipients based on their device’s physical location**. Mobile users have the option to allow the app to use location services while running the program, which enables first responders to react quicker to the incident.Here’s how it works:
Your Revolution System Administrator would designate a geofence area for people to receive mobile alerts if they’re located within the fence. Your administrator can create a separate geofence to send alerts to people located outside of the area. In this example, we’ll use a school lockdown drill scenario. During the drill, you can send targeted mobile alerts to students and faculty located on campus (within the geofence area) alerting them to take shelter. You can also simultaneously send a separate targeted alert to contacts located outside of the geofence warning them to stay away from campus until the school lockdown has been lifted.

**Please note: Revolution does not store or monitor mobile user’s GPS location data due to privacy. The system simply knows if the mobile device is inside or outside of the geofence when a mobile alert is activated.
Revolution Mobile for Senders
System administrators can grant specific users the ability to activate notifications directly from their Revolution Mobile app. This gives senders more flexibility to manage their alerts when they need them – without the limitation of needing to be physically on-site or close to specific equipment to initiate the alert (e.g. panic button, IP phone, desktop computer, etc). This is extremely useful in the event of an emergency because you never know where you – or your users – may be when emergencies strike.Here’s how it works:
System administrators decide which notifications they want their mobile users to have access to from within their Revolution Mobile app. They can also configure the type of information senders are allowed to include when they trigger an alert from their app. This can range from pre-built “quick-send” notifications, where no additional information is added by the mobile sender, to very detailed notifications that includes recorded audio messages, text and image content. These notifications will appear on the Activate Notifications page in the app.

Watch this video for a tour of Revolution Mobile:
Revolution Mobile is a useful tool that can make a big impact on your organization by saving lives and securing your facility. For more information about the Revolution Mobile, contact Syn-Apps at sales@syn-apps.com or by phone at 1-866-664-6071.