Intrado Revolution 2021.3 gives customers access to new and exciting key features and product enhancements. In this blog, we’ll cover the new and improved additions that we recently released.
Here’s a list of what’s new in 2021.3:
New Feature! Support for Yealink IP Phones
Configure your Yealink phones to register with our application to receive text and image notifications (images supported on HTML – capable Yealink phones). Configure a multicast static stream to send audio to Yealink phones.

New Feature! Send Emergency Data to 9-1-1
Revolution can now be configured to send alarm data directly to your local 9-1-1 dispatch center. Revolution can share primary site/buiding contact, cause of emergency, and potentially more precise location than a standard phone call. The Revolution data is shared and reviewed by the 9-1-1 operator when an emergency 9-1-1 call is received from your location.
Please note: This is an optional feature that is not available in all areas, as it requires coordinated configuration with your local 9-1-1 PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) dispatch center. Please contact our Sales team if you are interested in enabling this feature in your Revolution license.

New Feature! Low Priority Notification Queuing
You can now optionally allow a non-live notification to queue when there is currently a higher priority notification actie. Once the higher priority notification completes, the lower priority notification will be sent.

Feature Enhancement! Updated Navigation Menu
We have redesigned the Revolution Configuration menu layout to be by function. This updated navigation menu makes it easier for you to find settings and configuration options.

Feature Enhancement! Support for LDAP Connections
Now when you import your users and contacts from Active Directory you can use a secure LDAP connection.

To see a list of all the new features and software enhancements, please visit our 2021.3 Release Notes page.
Visit our software release notes wepage to view our previous releases or contact us to learn how Revolution can help your organization at www.syn-apps.com/contact-us.
Visit www.intrado.com/en/revolution to learn more about what Intrado Revolution is.