March is spring and flood safety month in the United States. With spring weather arriving, the risk for natural disasters such as floods, increases in workplaces and homes. Monitoring flood warnings is crucial in order to maintain safety and effectively communicate information to people.
Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States. Failing to evacuate flooded areas or entering flood waters can lead to injury or death. Floods may result from rain, melting snow, coastal storms, storm surges, and overflows of dams and other water systems. They can develop slowly or quickly; causing outages, disrupting transportation, damaging buildings, and creating landslides.
Emergency mass notification systems can help organizations prepare for floods and avoid harmful situations by sharing real-time information with personnel. In this blog, we’ll explain how mass notification systems can keep your business and its people safe and prepared for spring weather.
Using Mass Notification for Spring and Flood Safety
It is important for organizations to prepare, plan, and educate their people on what to do and where to go in the event of a flood. You should train and practice evacuation routes, shelter plans, and gathering the right supplies. Mass notification solutions can help with this by giving you the information you need so your life isn’t in danger.Revolution is an emergency mass notification system that connects people, systems, and processes together. This software allows senders to alert people located within the building or off-premise using integrated devices.
Five Mass Notification Features Your Organization Can Use
Automated National Weather Service (NWS) alerts, panic buttons, in-building paging, and response check-ins are several beneficial tools that Revolution offers to help customers protect and prepare their people and assets during a weather emergency. Here’s a few examples for how each can be used:To learn more about how Revolution can help prepare your organization and its people, contact us online by visiting www.syn-apps.com/contact-us or by phone at 1-866-664-6071. For more information about Spring and Flood Safety Month, visit this website www.ready.gov/floods.