How Revolution Can Enhance Communication in Healthcare
Syn-Apps Revolution is an emergency mass notification software that unites disparate technologies into a centralized platform and gives people the ability to communicate quickly. Revolution is a reliable and flexible notification tool that can help healthcare facilities rapidly inform the right people and avoid danger. Mass notification tools like Revolution support communities by helping people make safe and informed decisions.Essential businesses, such as hospitals and doctor offices, can benefit from mass notification tools to rapidly communicate critical information to a large group of people. Revolution can enhance physical security and improve day-to-day communication by offering healthcare facilities advanced paging, patient and family notifications, and emergency response capabilities – all while leveraging your current network investment.
It is important for organizations to maintain a reliable form of communication for doctors, patients, staff, and visitors in order to provide the best care and deliver real-time information.
In this blog, we will discuss a few ways that mass notification systems can be used in healthcare facilities.
Hands-Free Paging for Healthcare
Hands-free paging is a critical way mass notification software can help those on the frontlines in healthcare do their jobs while maintaining safe hygiene. This functionality helps staff communicate without having to physically come in contact with a device. This reduces the risk of contracting illness or putting others in risk of infection. Paging also allows medical staff to broadcast medical codes to other employees.Revolution’s intercom feature allows users to initiate hands-free communication between two talkback devices. For example, a nurse from their station can page a doctor who is in surgery. Hands-free intercom allows the doctor to automatically receive the notification from a speakerphone or two-way speaker located in the operating room. The doctor can then speak directly to the nurse using the hands-free intercom to maintain safe hygiene while operating on a patient.
Automatic Door Locks
A Paging Relay device offers a number of features for customers including integration to device sensors, contact closures, and connect to analog speaker systems. One way Relays can be used in healthcare environments would be automatic door locks.Initiating door locks through a page relay can keep people out of quarantined areas via contact closures in hospitals. This allows staff to not have to physically close and lock a door when needed. Personnel can also be notified if certain doors are opened and not closed completely in the quarantined areas via contact closures.
In-Building Paging and Automated Announcements
In your healthcare facility, you can broadcast pre-recorded, live emergency, or non-emergency instructions and information. This is especially useful to announce visitor hours, and notify faculty such as nurses, doctors, janitorial staff, or other personnel when their assistance is needed.Broadcasted announcements is typically used when you want to make an announcement to other phones and speakers which is often referred to as paging. Live broadcasts are initiated by dialing a line number and multiple endpoints can receive your announcement.
Revolution Mobile App for Healthcare
The Revolution Mobile App is a tool that brings emergency alerts and mass notification directly to your users and wherever they may be located. Revolution Mobile is available on Android and iOS devices, as well as Google Chromebooks. Your Android and iOS users can activate and receive any alerts from within this app.This app can allow your healthcare organization to communicate with faculty or families of critical events and information via text, SMS, and more. Notifications can also alert staff of weather emergencies, lockdowns, and missing patients in the interior or exterior of the facility.
Broadcast Background Music
By broadcasting background music in a hospital, you can play nursery rhymes across the maternity wing when new babies are born in a celebratory manner. Background music can also be played overhead in healthcare facilities to relax patients while waiting to be seen by a doctor. Since it can commonly be nerve wracking for patients to be sitting in a waiting room, music can help clear their head and put them at ease.Mass notification solutions in healthcare systems are critical in saving lives and protecting patients. For more information about emergency communication contact us at https://www.syn-apps.com/contact-us or by phone at 1-866-664-6071.