At Intrado, we understand public safety and the importance of critical notifications with a proven track record of delivering when it matters the most. Intrado is connected to over 6,000 PSAPs (Public Safety Answering Points) across North America, trusted to safeguard over 1,000 organizations, and have over 60 million VoIP records under our management. We’ve been delivering mission critical information for over 42 years.
Whether it’s in-building notifications, beyond the building communication, incident management, or the delivery of 911 calls, customers can feel confident that Intrado can safely and securely deliver incident notifications to the appropriate organizations, providing an informed and timely response.
In this blog, you’ll learn about Intrado’s Emergency Call Relay Center (ECRC), comprised of a critical team of telecommunicators, that help make sure emergency calls do not go unanswered.
Intrado’s ECRC team handles emergency calls that cannot be routed to a local 911 center. Some reasons why a call is routed directly to the ECRC may include technical issues, an address has not been provisioned, or the technology is designed to route to the ECRC first such as satellite phones.
High demand on local 911 networks cause calls to be routed to Intrado. Short-term assistance during events (e.g., fires, weather, mass casualties) from nationwide services like the ECRC, helps ensure calls for help do not go unanswered.
ECRC telecommunicators quickly gather the caller’s location and nature of the emergency in order to connect to the caller to their local PSAP for help. Telecommunicators have access to a host of specialized programs to assist and connect callers to their local 911 center efficiently.
To view the rest of this article and get a behind-the-scenes look at the typical workday for the ECRC team, click here: https://www.intrado.com/en/blog/life-safety/behind-scenes-intrados-emergency-call-relay-center